Frequently asked questions about Hotel del Mirador Sumapaz Comfacundi
Resolve your doubts and prepare your stay with peace of mind
At Hotel Mirador del Sumapaz Comfacundi we have compiled the most frequently asked questions to provide you with all the information you need before your visit. Find details about our facilities, services, reservations and much more. If you have any other questions, our team will be available to help you.
We are here to make your experience in Melgar easier and more pleasant!
- 601 7559000
- Monday at Saturday 6:00 to 21:00 and Sunday 8:00 to 16:30
I want to make 100% of the payment for my reservation. How can I do it?
Write to our contact email and request a payment link.
What payment methods do you accept?
Cash, VISA and Mastercard credit cards, deposits and virtual payments through link
I have a promotional code, how can I use it?
To use your promotional codes, you must enter the Tequendama Hotels platform and go to the reservation box in the PROMOTIONAL CODE section.
How can I be part of the Tequendama Rewards program?
To be part of our Tequendama Rewards loyalty program, you must register in the “Tequendama Rewards” section located in the upper right corner, click on register, fill out the form and once you have registered your email, you will receive confirmation of your registration.
Once I become a Tequendama Rewards member, how can I access my account?
To access your account, once you have registered, you must log in with your credentials or through your Google account
What benefits do I have by becoming a member of Tequendama Rewards?
The benefits you will get by becoming a member of the club are:
✔ Special level discounts on accommodation rates
✔ Welcome drink"
I forgot my username and/or password, how can I recover my account?
To recover your account you must click on “I forgot my password” and there you will have to follow the step by step to be able to recover it.